By Noname - 14/03/2009 01:06 - United States

Today, after taping 5-year-olds do a skit at an improv camp, I used the camera's view-finder to zoom in on a female co-worker's chest. Another female co-worker tapped me on the shoulder to show that the TV was still connected to the camera. Parents, kids, and instructors all witnessed it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 189
You deserved it 138 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow really dude? C'mon, be smarter than the 5 year olds, who ever agreed that your life was F***ed and you need some common sense.


you SO deserved it. what were you thinking. what did you just forget the camera was connected to the TV? or are you just that dumb everyday and this was just a special incident that stuck out among the rest.

PrimeStarscream 30

You're such a disgusting pervert.

apocalyptic_1125 0

This is why women think all guys are assholes - because it is true.

haha go you for acting upon what is put in us as males. just sucks you got caught. everyone needs to stop whining im sure youv all done your fair share without getting caught