By Noname - 14/03/2009 01:06 - United States

Today, after taping 5-year-olds do a skit at an improv camp, I used the camera's view-finder to zoom in on a female co-worker's chest. Another female co-worker tapped me on the shoulder to show that the TV was still connected to the camera. Parents, kids, and instructors all witnessed it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 189
You deserved it 138 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow really dude? C'mon, be smarter than the 5 year olds, who ever agreed that your life was F***ed and you need some common sense.


fourthwind 0

I agree that it was probably under the wrong time to do this, but one BOTH sexes do things like this w/o a camera everyday so to try and justify this as a solely perverted male act is pretty ignorant imo. Also he never said he took it out and proceeded to wack it did he? Don't think so. Humans have a natural/learned affinity for one another/opposite sex so just because some of us (mostly so call saintly women) believe that they have never ever stared or looked at a guy for more than 3 seconds is just kind of "ya right" I will give it to you guys though, the little kids being there is kind of weird, I mean most people hardly ever think of the children especially if they have none/are one themselves but dude chill out, just look, dont ogle.

Komatose 0

My teacher did that to me once. he was teaching us to work the cameras, and his was hooked up to the TV. The class was almost all boys, and they got a real kick out of it. So embarrasing. btw, ur a creep.

At least you didn't zoom in on the chests of any five year olds.

Silas_fml 0

Amkii - Once again, it's still an invalid statement. A five year old could have better understanding of sexuality, sexual preference and needs, and the human body than a fourty year old. It's all up to individual standards and learning.

Haha I hope somebody there had the sense of humor to burst out laughing.

Aquaslash 0

45's got it for the most part. You all act like you don't check out other people all the damn time

Wow serioulsy, that is pretty stupid. Couldn't you have seen the cord or something? Get a brain!.

h8crewdeathr0ll 0