By Noname - 14/03/2009 01:06 - United States

Today, after taping 5-year-olds do a skit at an improv camp, I used the camera's view-finder to zoom in on a female co-worker's chest. Another female co-worker tapped me on the shoulder to show that the TV was still connected to the camera. Parents, kids, and instructors all witnessed it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 189
You deserved it 138 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow really dude? C'mon, be smarter than the 5 year olds, who ever agreed that your life was F***ed and you need some common sense.


Yeah... I'm going to have to agree with everyone calling you a perv. I'm guessing you're a grown man... Or at least old enough to know better. What you do in your own time is your business, but at a kid's camp? Come on now. It's called self control... And that poor woman was probably embarrassed. #27... It's not legal in the work place to say what ever you want like you're implying. It's considered sexual harassment and you can be fired, fined, and other legal actions can be taken against you.

#27, I think you would find it very difficult to argue a "constitutional" right to oogle women in ANY court of law. and there have been many sexual harassment lawsuits successfully taken to court in which the defendants main offense was "looking." a quick and discreet glance is one thing, but when a man refuses to make eye contact or is constantly staring in a way that makes a woman feel uncomfortable and threatened, it is wrong. to say there is *never* any harm in looking is just a chauvanists way to rationalize the fact that he objectifies women.

#16- MADtv reference? Win. And this reminds me of middle school in the AV Class (not really club), and one of the male students was filming at the dance, and he kept zooming in on girls' butts and chests. XD It was aired the next school day during the school's Advisory Class time.

Hahaha, you deserved that one. Next time have some self-restraint before using a camera to zoom in on some woman's goods.

kellster 2

How completely unprofessional. And creepy, given that you were in a room filled with children!! Keep it in your pants around the kiddies, hey?

#14 - But as a 5 year-old, did they understand? Probably not. They might see and recognize it, but not really understand it.

TwistOfHeartx3 0

That's what you get for being an assh*le!