By Jess49 - 03/12/2011 02:06 - United States

Today, after telling my boyfriend I was willing to try just about anything to revive our sex life, he confessed to having a swirly fetish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 406
You deserved it 4 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tacovender 7

Nothing like dipping your head in a dirty toilet during sex!

And...that's when you wish life had an undo button.


NullPointer 20

At least you said "just about anything" and not anything. And it isn't that bad, how about you tell him to save up and buy a new toilet and have it installed just for swirly use. But I'm getting the idea that he doesn't really have that fetish, and he's just being either funny or an asshole. Or maybe in this f my life the f stands for fake.

Just No!!! Hateeveryone, apparently, it's having your head flushed in a toilet! Yuck!!

Munchkin13 6

And this is where you decide that you aren't willing to try anything and are in fact willing to try dating other people....

FYLDeep 25

I don't really get what's supposed to be so sexual about giving someone a swirly. I can't imagine that you two would be getting it on while said swirly took place.

huh. mine likes to choke me. you think they like to leave their women breathless? :P

every1luvsboners 11

Never cross the thumbs. Ask Gary Condit about that one.

Personally if you love him ask him to compromise and get a bucket, one of those jacuzzi mats for the bottom, and make toilet noises while dunking his head... After a couple times make it better for with some yellow coloring and a candy bar at the bottom. Btw it must of been really hard for him to admit that and you posting it must really suck if he looks at the fmls. At least he has something though my husband has no fetishes or fantasies.

Nothing like a good flush to set the mood