By Jess49 - 03/12/2011 02:06 - United States

Today, after telling my boyfriend I was willing to try just about anything to revive our sex life, he confessed to having a swirly fetish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 406
You deserved it 4 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tacovender 7

Nothing like dipping your head in a dirty toilet during sex!

And...that's when you wish life had an undo button.


sperbergcandace 0

at least he doesnt have an animal fetish lol

That's not creepy at all.... O_o -sarcasm expressed because it's not always easily seen online-

Inspired22 11

I really hope he was joking. Although, you never know what can happen when it comes to fetishes. However, I would hope that he would like whatever actions you both take to revive your sex life to have the potential to be enjoyable for you, and if that is as horrifying for you as I am guessing, hopefully he will understand.

I have officially heard it all. Not the wierdest fetish I have heard of, but it's still strange.

c_tuck 0

Then what's the strangest one?? That was a way out there!

ididntdoit1980 8

If you do it! Do you sing, "you spin me right round baby!?"

Hopefully he doesn't have a fetish for golden showers. Does he make you piss in the toilet first? If so, FYL times two

kirastarr808 3

Are you talking swirly toilet bowl prank??? Or swirly *******??

And there was me thinking there was no fetish that would surprise me any more... but apparently there is.