By Hairless freak - 23/09/2012 08:14 - United States - Fallbrook

Today, after weeks of dealing with a bad hair cut, my hair finally grew back to my preferred length. Today is also the day my roommate replaced my shampoo with hair remover as a prank. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 515
You deserved it 1 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tehaustiebear 34

I'm sorry to hair that, but it sounds like they shaved you some time.


hannnahmarie 14
moemoney8888 7

Maybe ur meant to not have ur proffered hair length

perdix 29

#17, Actually, the third "your" is correct. The first, second and fourth all need to be corrected.

I was going to "Agree, your life sucks", but when I saw the count was 1337 I decided not to. As a lifelong gamer, I cannot commit to such blasphemy as destroying such an appropriate count.

elliot8492 1

As payback you should set him on fire while he's sleeping.

So what you are gonna want to do is sneak into the roommates room when they are sleeping, tie a tiny string onto every hair on their body, and yank out all of their hair at once. The expression on their face would be priceless (yes, I did completely steal this idea from ask a ninja).

AgentSmith79 9

Seems far fetched. Hair remover needs to be left on the hair you want removed for about 10 minutes. Lathering your hair and rinsing it out won't do anything.

devandanae 11

Actually It can remove the hair that quick.

How long do you let your shampoo soak on your head? Most hair removers need at least five minutes to do anything, so unless you let the shampoo on your head for longer than that it shouldn't even have been noticeable.