By Hairless freak - 23/09/2012 08:14 - United States - Fallbrook

Today, after weeks of dealing with a bad hair cut, my hair finally grew back to my preferred length. Today is also the day my roommate replaced my shampoo with hair remover as a prank. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 515
You deserved it 1 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tehaustiebear 34

I'm sorry to hair that, but it sounds like they shaved you some time.


Just **** all over their pillow when they least expect it. Your roommate will be in a pretty "sticky" situation....if you know what I mean.

Put a hot dog in their mouth while they sleep

What a dick especially because uc's and other colleges in ca start on this monday (excluding uc berkeley and some other schools i may be ignorant about)

perdix 29

Everybody around you knows that you go for terrible haircuts. They're just going to think your new "Radiation Victim" look is yet another failed attempt at a fashion statement.

Shave his hair and eyebrows, cut off his eyelashes, and get a new roommate. After you bake him a laxative filled "goodbye" cake.

sweetmama88 6

Don't. Worry about anything , what ever goes around twice as hard! And if I was you I would start looking for another place to live. or another roommate. Because you have no idea what that next joke is going to happen.

Fart on his pillow. Replace the oil In his car with a liquid in the kitchen. Get all his clothes and anything else valuable, put it in the shower and pour two cases of bleach on them. If he has a game system burn it. That should solve your problem :-)