By Dansonn - 17/03/2009 03:17 - United States

Today, after work I went to the parking lot to my car to go home. I found my car doors heavily scratched and all my tires cut, with a note on my windshield. The note read, "F*** you, Jackson." I'm Tyler. Jackson is my co-worker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 200 802
You deserved it 10 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

think you should get jackson to cough up some cash

report it to the police. that's criminal damage..


Yikes, get the police and have a nice, long talk with Jackson.

Anonymus101 4

That is so jacked up, if you've called the police there is not much else to be done, thou you could waterboard Jackson until he gives up the names.

uhnonnuhmus 0

wow... that just sucks hope everythin worked out for you in the end

lmao I agree with #18. And lol @ 32. Seriously, I wouldn't even care if it wasn't him who did the actual damage. It all happened because of him and whatever he did to piss that person off, so *technically* it's his fault all around as he's the center of all the drama. He should pay for the damages--and willingly. People don't go around scratching up cars with personal messages for no reason. He shouldn't be pissing people off.

heyheyhey3 0

ahh haha. #39 and #40 :P annnd #43. good stuff. hmm. just ask jackson who it is, he must be pissed to. that could have been HIS car. and of course the police, and everything else.. yadda yadda.