By Fairymyass - 17/07/2011 16:01 - United Kingdom

Today, an argument broke out between me, my girlfriend, and her sister. They were trying to convince me that not only were fairies real, but there were "scientific facts" that "prove" their existence. My girlfriend's 20 and her sister teaches primary school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 124
You deserved it 4 537

Same thing different taste

Top comments


pornchips 10

are you sure she wasn't talking about religion? :p

DerpyHooves 0

Religion is real. It's the deities/gods that are up for debate.

dont question god!!! hes so real that you cant see him.

Where the hell did she get her teaching credentials?

WitchyArmyWife00 0

Why would you want them to be real?! They're vicious, conniving, baby-stealing, tricky BASTARDS. I'd prefer them to stay away!

sky22_fml 7

You serious?!? Fairies ARE real...just sayin

To me this is exactly the same as religion... all those people calling OP's gf/sister crazy, do you say the same about people who believe in God(s) ?

Following your logic, the existance of mythical beings is all or none? So, by association, I think that god was just invented by my parents so they could steal my teeth and give me money?

SeedlessMe 13

for 84, Yes, I think that, are you saying that's wrong, or these people above are? and for 96- Close! but really they invented him for far better reasons, like scaring people into acting like decent human beings and feeling guilty about doing bad things.. Hey, whatever works. ;)

My point is that if people are always gonna defend any religious/god FML's with the good old "People can believe what ever they want" line then i'm gonna whip it out here.

tylenol123 0

i think ur bout to pop out of ur top XD

... The different molecules in air are detectable. Please be less ignorant.

gertrude7 9 anyone else reminded of Mr. Crocker?