By kerripjones - 14/07/2015 19:44 - United States - Newark

Today, an old friend and I reconnected. Everything was going fine until he threatened to visit me at work. I didn't know he knew my place of employment, so I replied, "Do you know where I live too?" He answered, "Would you hate me if I did?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 274
You deserved it 2 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope he was joking but i'd keep my distance from him just to be safe. Goodluck!

Wow, that must feel a bit creepy. Perhaps he's been stalking you. I would say you should run like hell, and run far


...Get a tazer, pepper spray, a knife, a gun or something. That is very creepy and can be considered stalking tendencies. I would also advise locating someone- a police officer or social worker, I am not sure- and asking them about what safety measures you can take if it turns out he is stalking you and him becoming violent is a possible concern.

Yokes definitely check you surroundings ?

farhad_71414 2

How's that a threat ? Your friend wanted to visit u not to kill you

OP your profile says that you are in Dallas just to let you know if you want to take that information off your profile.

Are you Facebook friends? He might see it there and be joking about where you live

tiredofwaiting 25

Call the police. This guy sounds like a stalker.