By dmlk - 10/12/2008 11:09 - France

Today, and for the third time this week, my bank manager called me to tell me that my account is still overdrawn. He doesn't seem to understand that my wages always get paid at the end of the month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 062
You deserved it 5 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you know exactly when your paycheck hits your account, why are you spending money you know you don't have? It happens on accident every now and then, but it sounds like this happens a lot to you.

ydi for being dumb and not knowing how to manage an account. I work at the bank and you're one type of customers I can't stand.


I don't get it either.. Thanks, Jazaray

starberries 0

You "still" don't understand that the bank manager is not your daddy. You owe them that money and you have a responsibility to get it right away.

Then don't overdraw your account. Even if you're "still" getting paid.

Shadowninja20 16

wow that happens to me alot try giving him a wage chart showing when you should get paid if it happens again

Shadowninja20 16

or if the wage chart doesn't work just don't overdraw

Perhaps you dont understand that your account is over drawn and not to do that...

Hahaha! I think you're correct in your suggestion.

YDI, stop using money you don't have yet, even if you know it's coming at the end of the month.