By nickrick12 - 19/07/2011 22:57 - United States

Today, as a 1 year anniversary present, my boyfriend let me see and wear my engagement ring. He then made me give it back at the end of the day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 178
You deserved it 5 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah he needs to get it back to his wife before she notices it missing.

Are you serious? Next time he's horny, show him the promise land, and when he asks for a taste, gladly close it back up with a smile on your face...


foilindo 0

that's what I call a teaser!!! lol

"You don't deserve this!" *rips off ring from OPs hand*

horrorfreak79nj 2

Wow ... he managed to take everything that makes that moment special for a woman & completely ruin it. I'm sure he ruins lots of things. ( If you speak with his parents, I'm sure they'll confide in you that they regret not aborting him when they had the chance. )

It's only been a year so I wouldn't be too upset, except you wore a ring all day and then had to give it back so I wouldn't really stay with him after that.

redmnky21 8

if his name is adam run as fast as u can... hes psyco... you dont give presents and then take them back and put stipulations on when you can have them

it's only been a year? Would op prefer to rush into marriage with someone she most likely doesn't know well enough

I think the amount of time people date before getting engaged or married depend on the people. don't judge people you don't know.

That's just odd... I mean, what was the purpose? I honestly can't figure out what could have possibly been going through the boyfriends head.

markrs 0

watch the ring he gives her be a totally different ring ;p

unless you guys are serious about marriage, he shouldn't have gotten the ring for the one year anyways.. I know from experience that everything changes after the first year... I hope it does work out for you, and if not... shows him to ruin stuff like that..