By nickrick12 - 19/07/2011 22:57 - United States

Today, as a 1 year anniversary present, my boyfriend let me see and wear my engagement ring. He then made me give it back at the end of the day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 178
You deserved it 5 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah he needs to get it back to his wife before she notices it missing.

Are you serious? Next time he's horny, show him the promise land, and when he asks for a taste, gladly close it back up with a smile on your face...


physicist48 0

He wants to save it for when he proposes.

Lol your getting an engagment ring one year into your relationship... I smell divorce ..

Maybe he just wanted to properly propose to his girlfriend, and decided to let her see the engagement ring beforehand to make sure she liked it and that it fit her. another reason is that he may have been gauging her reaction to the idea of an engagement ring.

The question is- why did he have the ring when only one year in the relationship

So doesn't that make him your finance? Did he propose and then take it back that day? If so he may be paying it off still. Or did you already know and can just wear it sometimes?

Who the **** already has an engagement ring ready after only 1 year?

what the hell? And you want to marry him? ydi

I would get away now op before you marry someone like that.