By Anonymous - 02/04/2009 02:49 - United States

Today, as a joke, my friends plastic wrapped me to my bed while I was sleeping, I had an allergic reaction to the plastic and had to have the girl I like come cut me out and give me my meds. I sleep naked and was unable to put on clothes during this time. She saw me naked, swollen and with hives. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 327
You deserved it 5 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Truthbringer 0

why did you have to call the girl that you like to help you out in that situation? seems like you could have called anyone.

Good call, calling the girl you like... What happened after? I bet *it* looked a bit bigger cause of the swelling...


this is why you shouldn't sleep naked...

Fact is, she came and she did that for you. Sounds positive to me.

Empleh 4

Get call on getting the girl you like to help. Now that she has already seen you naked and is still talking to you than you have a chance.

39: to point #5, that's the exact same scenario i had in mind, so thanks for posting it for me :) come on, people. think about it, it's not as fake as it seems.

buffalosaurus 0

Yeah, I don't understand this. How did the girl you like come if you were wrapped in plastic? I'm guessing if your hands were free, you could have gotten yourself out.

braFTW 0

Well, did she like what she saw? =D

XDNLxtlz99 0

?? Elaborate please?? This whole thing sounds rather sketchy. How did this girl stumble upon you where ever you are?

Well at least now you can say she saw you naked =P

this is obviously fake. why would his friends go to his house and wrap in plastic when he's naked? Unless they're homosexual? Also, why would he call the girl he likes to cut him out? Nice try