By Anonymous - 08/09/2013 16:38 - Switzerland - Bern

Today, as if to prove that there is no end to the unspeakable stupidity of the human race, a patient was brought into my hospital, needing a cellphone removed from his anus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 005
You deserved it 3 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I get calls from assholes all the time, though...(I work in retail)

Hey, he was just trying to make contact with Uranus. Or Hisanus, rather.


DocBastard, is that... Well, **** me for being several hours late.

MrBoredomioo 18

Booty call. You're doing it wrong

One in a million shot doc. One in a million.

wow I hope you didn't do him any favors and give him pain meds or use lube. you should have made it painful as possible to teach him a lesson

That's a new one, maybe he was trying to get reception, or anuseption

First thought on reading: I remember that story! Then I read the location, so I had to say 'why do humans keep doing this?' And then go find the new report. Anyone else remember the news story about the reverse butt dial? No? Just me? "Sri Lanka phone-smuggling prisoner betrayed by ringing butt"

It's Obama care's new colonoscopy from home app.

How do you even stretch your asshole enough to fit a phone in there... O.O