By Anonymous - 08/09/2013 16:38 - Switzerland - Bern

Today, as if to prove that there is no end to the unspeakable stupidity of the human race, a patient was brought into my hospital, needing a cellphone removed from his anus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 008
You deserved it 3 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I get calls from assholes all the time, though...(I work in retail)

Hey, he was just trying to make contact with Uranus. Or Hisanus, rather.


JoseIsAdork 31

oh excuse me, gotta take this call, some asshole keeps talking shit about me

JoseIsAdork 31

does anyone find it ironic that a lot of the cellphone operating systems are named like jelly bean, ice cream sandwich ect and then you have some dude shoving it up his anus? just a random thought that came to mind

catanita 18

Was the cellphone on vibrations?

Duceswild99 19

Maybe he was testing the vibrate feature.

Yessi_Boo 14

You're a health care worker? Ever heard of HIPAA? Don't talk about your patients, even if you don't say their name. That's a huge violation of privacy and if that person finds out this post was about them, they can sue BIG TIME

valecto_fml 1

Before giving legal advice to people, you should check where they live... HIPAA is an american law and the guy lives in Switzerland!

...jackass part 4? But wow OP! Sounds like a shitty time!

Talk about a butt-dial takin to legitimate lengths.