By Anonymous - 08/09/2013 16:38 - Switzerland - Bern

Today, as if to prove that there is no end to the unspeakable stupidity of the human race, a patient was brought into my hospital, needing a cellphone removed from his anus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 005
You deserved it 3 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I get calls from assholes all the time, though...(I work in retail)

Hey, he was just trying to make contact with Uranus. Or Hisanus, rather.


akcowboy 2
midnight165 5

This still doesn't top the boyfriends iPhone being removed from the girlfriends ****** a year ago.. I have to wonder what sexting level they were taking this android phone to. I wonder if OP talked to him about the story

skyeyez9 24

My mom is an ER physician and had to remove a barbie doll from a man's butt. She said they have (forgot the name of it) a numbing gel they use for their ass. But if they are the repeat offenders who are always in for something up their ass. She doesn't use it on them.

I guess you could say he was trying to talk shit.

if by cellphone, you meant a Samsung galaxy note 2, then that must have been painful.

he was looking for that 4G-Spot coverage

If this was a chick I can understand...missing vibrator and replacement...otherwise I am really have lost all my faith in humanity...