By Anonymous - 30/09/2012 01:37 - United States - Duarte

Today, as my boyfriend and I were getting hot in the bedroom, he stopped right before he entered me and said, "Knock knock!" He refused to continue until I replied, "Come in." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 365
You deserved it 4 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess "Who's there?" wouldn't have been appropriate.


everyone knows the proper response to "knock knock" is not "come in" but "who's there?"

ManicGypsy 22

My thoughts exactly, #46. He couldn't "enter" until he was invited in. Hehe.

What a gentleman! I dont see the problem :P

The good thing? He could never rape someone.

Cierus 5

.... As a woman and how frustrating it is to keep the moment up sometimes, I'd be kinda upset about that stuff like that kills my mood.

onorexveritas 23

just tryna have fun with you lol