By BarbieKen - 14/06/2009 04:14 - United States

Today, as my boyfriend and I were messing around in his room he took off my underwear. As he was about to go down on me I spread my legs to help out then he looked up at me and said, "You got some toilet paper left behind." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 148
You deserved it 63 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ummm... I don't know what to say. He was pretty cool about it. Do a better job next time?

mycoffeesucks 0

if he ate you out regardless of the toilet paper, then this isn't an FML


Shizden 0

Me: "You some toilet paper left behind." You: "Umm..." *Blushes* Me: *Calls my home phone using my cell phone* You: "..." Me: "Erm someones calling at the house... I better go pick up the call." You: "What the..." Me: *Grabs shirt and boxers (personally I prefer thongs but I wouldn't just wear that and a shirt in public) and runs away* And I live happily ever after. THE END Best. Story. Ever. Now at stores near you for only $99.95!

c3ns0r3dn4m3 0

lol #4 really? You have no idea? My gosh. There is a new breed of stupid.

IndigoKitty 3

yeah, it happens, specially with cheap toilet paper, get over it!

OMG! Did he do something funny afterward to try and cheer you up, like talking to your ******? Who's a happy ******? I'm gonna eat you up anyway, coz I'm a big scary monster! That sorta thing. If so, your life is awesomeness! If not, FYL!

rallets 22

what the hell is #13 saying?

IndigoKitty 3

19: chamin is a brand of toilet roll