By hhhhhhhpeterwut - 19/02/2013 03:21 - United States - Bethesda

Today, as my lame excuse to not give a guy I met at a club my phone number, I told him I didn't have a cell phone. Guess what I checked when he asked me what time it was a few minutes later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 357
You deserved it 54 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

darth1 18

You should have just straight up said no.

JR_Goes_Rawr 11

That guy is pretty smart to trick you into revealing your lie. You could have told him you were holding your friends phone, or something like that.


This is what the rejection hotline is for.

You didn't think that one through, did you?

Shoulda just given him the Jenna Marbles face.

DisappearingRose 18

"Oh this is my friend's cell phone. I'm holding it for her while she's away in (some random country or state)."

lucyy123 14

That's okay..I'm pretty retarded too cause I did that same thing once.. I said that I couldn't give my phone number cause I didn't have a phone while I was texting :/

JustSarah 13

Why didnt you say NO in the beginning? Sorry, YDI.

BrashlyHonest20 4

Don't make up an excuse, just say no.