By Something I said? - 05/11/2013 15:26 - United States - Bronx

Today, as my wife and I were getting intimate, I thought I would try a little "dirty talk". I whispered in her ear that I would "dick her down good". She couldn't stop laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 056
You deserved it 59 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wouldn't be able to stop laughing either. In fact, I haven't.

You need to polish up on your "dirty talk".


aww hey at least you tried, try try try again.

JMichael 25

I can't stop laughing either OP. Maybe work on it a bit? How about "My tool needs a shed and I think it'll fit perfectly in yours."

Kn0wledge123 21

*sigh* Why do people always fail at urban vernacular. Wrong order, bruh. You tell her that BEFORE you smash. She might laugh, but put it on her really good. Then the next time you say that, she'll jump your bones. At least you tried though.

Op next time try something like, I can't wait to get your clothes off, I've been looking forward to this, I can't wait to feel your tight wet ***** around my **** feel free to use those btw x

perdix 29

Thanks, but how am I supposed to pronounce ***** and ****? You really think you need to censor yourself on a site called **** My Life, the English language version of Life of Shit?

"I can't wait to feel your tight wet stars around my asterisk". Just think about it, the anus kind of looks like an asterisk. Still trying to figure out what the stars are.

I can't wait to play with your fantastic boobs and tease each nipple with my tongue. Then slowly lick a path down to the sweet spot between your legs. I've been craving the taste of your sweet juices. I'm going to suck, lick and nibble on your lady steak and flick your pink love button with my tongue until your legs start to shake and your little honey pot glistens, begging to be filled and satisfied. Give something like that a try Op and see what response you get.

ninety 25

Personally, I would probably laugh harder.

It was not too bad til you wrote "lady steak."

grgnyce 8

Bro, you have officially lost your man card!!! Lol!!!

rebellionwars 11

He was trying, give him a break. And it wasn't funny at all.