By Anonymous - 15/08/2009 23:42 - United States

Today, at a family gathering, my aunt asked me when I was planning to have children. I'm only 16, I laughed and said not for a while, definitely not until I get married. My family shook their heads, and ignored me for the rest of the day. Apparently, teenage pregnancy is valued in my family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 206
You deserved it 3 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cin_fml 0

Please please PLEASE don't listen to them >.< Be a responsible human being first and foremost. What other people think doesn't amount to a grain of sand, especially when they're so clearly wrong.


Jakojan 4

do me a favor? tell them to get out of the 1500's...

pwndhahafyl 0

shes being punished for not being an irrisponsible and impure girl? she has good morals, her family should be gratefull

brieanna101 0
lidomissmango 0

I wish my parents were like that

alice9684 0

ha my family would kill me if I got pregnant at 16

I have an ex-friend who is barely 13 years old (I'll be 14 years old on November 11th) and she's pregnant with her first child. Her family is ecstatic.

logo79 0

Thats an awesome birthday! Screw you Germany!!!!! Veteren's(Armistice) Day

Most people are really happy about any pregnancy in the family once they get past the shock... And... Inappropriateness, for a lack of a better word.

luvyah 0

lucky!!!!! I'm 15 and prego... if my parents find out I'm dead my dad will probably abuse me nd send me away

You're a complete moron. Dear god I hope you gave it up for adoption. Get on birth control. Dumb ass

oh, the horror of having that kind of family! i thought the story about extended family and relatives who keep bugging married couple to have children when they don't want to is annoying enough