By Anonymous - 15/08/2009 23:42 - United States

Today, at a family gathering, my aunt asked me when I was planning to have children. I'm only 16, I laughed and said not for a while, definitely not until I get married. My family shook their heads, and ignored me for the rest of the day. Apparently, teenage pregnancy is valued in my family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 206
You deserved it 3 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cin_fml 0

Please please PLEASE don't listen to them >.< Be a responsible human being first and foremost. What other people think doesn't amount to a grain of sand, especially when they're so clearly wrong.


proud_liberal 0

99% of FMLmembers should not breed

lexiegirl 0

Well, I'm from New York, and I am in no way, shape or form, redneck.

pinkgrl87 0

omg wtf is wrong with your family they are freaks if they want you to get pregnant

l33tm0nk3y 0

...Wat? I mean, I realize that's the way it worked for the vast majority of human history, but it's pretty well established that teenage pregnancies are riskier for both the mother and the baby... The human race never ceases to amaze me with its potential for stupidity.

I'm sorry, but that's just plain sick!

Umm... something is wrong with your family.

If you were smart you would get the **** out!!

that's the green light to go and and have sex (if you want to or not). just use protection and keep using the excuse that "you're trying"

GreenChemicalBoy 0

I mean no offence, but your family is the reason the world is overpopulated and there are stupid people. Please be the first one with a brain!!!!!!!!