By Anonymous - 15/08/2009 23:42 - United States

Today, at a family gathering, my aunt asked me when I was planning to have children. I'm only 16, I laughed and said not for a while, definitely not until I get married. My family shook their heads, and ignored me for the rest of the day. Apparently, teenage pregnancy is valued in my family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 206
You deserved it 3 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cin_fml 0

Please please PLEASE don't listen to them >.< Be a responsible human being first and foremost. What other people think doesn't amount to a grain of sand, especially when they're so clearly wrong.


that's awsome your family probably would let you have sex anywhere

ahahahah if i told my parents i was pregnant i'd get shot.

lol i wish i was in that family, then i culd do wuteva!

Do not worry OP. Teen pregnancy is valued in my family too. Hopefully, you will not value it.

What kind of ****** up people or family "values" teen pregnancy. Unless you're one of those freeloaders off the governments tit families that makes absolutely no sense. You and your family should be ashamed. Get a job and graduate from high school first. Pay for your own damn illegitimate offspring

whoaaa ur family isn't all there I'd run now!

well, at least YOU have your head on right lol

doptnet 0

if this is true.. ID like to meet your family and punch them

campbellshayla73 0

WTF? I thought that was usually frowned upon

QueenPersephone 9

Sounds like your family is from my hometown. I think I'm one of maybe ten girls here who went to college instead of becoming a baby factory.