By desocrates - 20/06/2009 22:54 - United States

Today, at about 1 a.m. I got a drunk text from my girlfriend thanking me for the amazing sex last night. I have been out of town for 3 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 661
You deserved it 4 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Forward the text to her when she's sober...I bet she'll be regretting THAT text message!

You must have a very long penis. Congratulations.


aJ09 0

if u stay with this bitch, then ur a pussy

Ok so FYL for sure... to quote 3OH3 "Don't trust a hoe!" Don't listen to her excuses and dump the bitch... don't even have the sex that #71 is suggesting (albeit a HILARIOUS idea) because who knows what you'll catch from that skanky ass!

This is completely forgivable... provided she's blind and deaf, of course.

Sorry to throw in a random question folks...but what does "ftw" stand for? Also... To the poster saying "how is this an fml?" Dude got cheated on and found out because his drunk whorey gf can't navigate a cell phone contact list. How is this NOT an fml? (Granted the cheating bf/gf is used a lot)

Thank you lisamarie! Sad as this sounds...I have been sitting here coming up with all the things it could have stood for. Haha none of them made sense

Urban Dictionary, dude. It could be your best friend.

Urban dictionary? Man alive I must live under a rock. Never heard of it but thank you I will check that out! :)

Antoyal 3

OP, just hope she was trying to drunk text that hot girlfriend of hers with whom you've been trying to set up a threesome. Oh, and as others have said: get tested. XD