By desocrates - 20/06/2009 22:54 - United States

Today, at about 1 a.m. I got a drunk text from my girlfriend thanking me for the amazing sex last night. I have been out of town for 3 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 661
You deserved it 4 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Forward the text to her when she's sober...I bet she'll be regretting THAT text message!

You must have a very long penis. Congratulations.


Manny_B92 0

Hit her with a "I know but stop texting me, my girlfriend might find out!"

BikerMike 0

Try to get some back door action, if she says no then dump the cheating ****

twindaddy 0

Apparently the other male looked like you, so maybe she legitimately thought she was having sex with you (although I sure wouldn't put up with that nonsense, I'd have ended things right there with my reply text, but maybe you're not like me).

Can I just point out people that sometimes 'friends' can steal your phone and text embarassing messages to piss you off? Before yelling at her and dumping her, make sure you get the facts!

anonymouschicka 0

How come there are so many FMLs about this exact same situation? And I agree with #102

Bullshet 0

If she's drunk, I'm sure she got a little confused.

if shes drunk she mightve just not been able to really have any sense of time. she could have easily meant to say "3 days earlier" but to a drunk, its much easier to say "last night" regardless of the actual intention