By desocrates - 20/06/2009 22:54 - United States

Today, at about 1 a.m. I got a drunk text from my girlfriend thanking me for the amazing sex last night. I have been out of town for 3 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 661
You deserved it 4 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Forward the text to her when she's sober...I bet she'll be regretting THAT text message!

You must have a very long penis. Congratulations.


So some guy is back home pretending you be you and banging your gf. Ask her what she likes best so you can starting doing that. Otherwise she will dump you when the real you gets home.

King_of_Kings 3

what a drunk bitch. sorry for that but still, what a drunk bitch if all of you reading this are interested in seeing Things That Deserve To Be Destroyed, follow this link -

DarthJeff 0

Nice. 3some in the future?

whoahanna 0
naja_12168 3

I agree that this is an FYL. Sorry.

Silver_Eyes 0

I hope you mean *ex*-girlfriend. But, ouch, that's harsh.

Caayouteepie 0

aw maybe one of her friends were pulling a prank?

Maybe she was so drunk she forgot she didn't have any.