By desocrates - 20/06/2009 22:54 - United States

Today, at about 1 a.m. I got a drunk text from my girlfriend thanking me for the amazing sex last night. I have been out of town for 3 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 661
You deserved it 4 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Forward the text to her when she's sober...I bet she'll be regretting THAT text message!

You must have a very long penis. Congratulations.


cpatrick820 3

**** cheaters. They can all **** each other until they become one pile of VD ridden wastes of flesh Harsh?

naja_12168 3

Not at all, LOL! Too funny!

lol, maybe your just that good that she still feels it from 3 days ago

I expect that sort of thing from Americans. I'm disappointed to see that "your" from Canada.

AndelleRae 9

Sadly, stupidity is universal. To the OP, it sucks to be cheated on. The best thing you can do is dump her and try and find someone who won't cheat on you.

maybe when you were talking to her she was masturbating........maybe she was talking about phone sex lmao

honestly dude, if she was drunk she likely had no idea of what time it was or the day, so she may not have done anything dishonest.

aweeks 0

Glad it didn't happen to me.

Send this reply to her text:: "Baby, I can't imagine a better lover or sex partner than you. You continously take me to new heights. Faithfully yours, desocrates. P.S.: Bitch."

how is this an fml? =/ seriously? the fml stories are just falling apart now, it's as if people are just posting up random things that aren't even fml stories =/

quackquackquac 0

I think it's an FML because the OP was out of town for three days, and couldn't possibly have had sex with his girlfriend last night... therefore, she cheated on him, making this an FML.

This site is going to make it impossible for me to trust women.

there are just as many cheating men on here as women you know...

go home, pound her anus real hard, and then break up with her.

Text her lover if possible, and tell him you have AIDS.