By J - 11/02/2009 07:14 - United States

Today, at lunch I ordered a coke. The waiter replied "diet coke?" and I corrected him saying, "No, regular coke." He shook his head and said again, "diet coke." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 185
You deserved it 8 853

Same thing different taste

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redrovaa 0

How can it be made from sugar, but not be sugar. Do they add something that unsugars the sugar or some shit?

Aaaaaaand there goes his tip. I can understand if they ask "Diet?" to clarify which kind of coke, but repeating it is just effing rude.


If someone in customer service replied with hurried, rushed, two word responses I would consider them rude and possibly report them to the manager. Your job as someone who works with the public is to give them the explanation they deserve as a customer. If I went to your place of work and you just kept yelling "DIET COKE" while I'm saying "COKE" I would either think you were rude or slow. And then I'd report you. It's not that hard to say we're out of regular coke. And to wait to be prompted to explain something is rude and yes, it makes you bad at your job.

He shook his head and said "No, that's not what you want" when she said coke twice.

Nobody until 110 even brought up the fact Splenda or no Splenda diet has aspartame which is terible for you and is actually worse than straight up soda almost every diet soda has aspartame and kind of pop is bad for you diet just happens to have worse for you ingredients even if it is healthier in some areas even powdered water flavor packets have aspartame just FYI and many people even have a allergic reaction to aspartame

What a jerk. I hope you didn't tip him.

gatorgirl7563 22

I hope you complained to his manager and didn't leave a tip. That's completely inappropriate behavior.

waiters work for tips so I'm a bit doubtful this happend

Maybe they were out of regular coke and you had to get diet?