By J - 11/02/2009 07:14 - United States

Today, at lunch I ordered a coke. The waiter replied "diet coke?" and I corrected him saying, "No, regular coke." He shook his head and said again, "diet coke." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 185
You deserved it 8 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

redrovaa 0

How can it be made from sugar, but not be sugar. Do they add something that unsugars the sugar or some shit?

Aaaaaaand there goes his tip. I can understand if they ask "Diet?" to clarify which kind of coke, but repeating it is just effing rude.


coolbrony12 3

Hey that means he was checking you out to think you need to watch your figure. At least that's the bright side. Sorry OP

seriously rude waiter. I'd ask for the manager to complain for being unprofessional and rude.

missalice0306 19

He must not be very bright, because there's no chance he's getting a decent tip now

BiChelsea 6

I am type 1 diabetic and have been for all my life. I was told that diet coke uses aspartame. And it also has phosphoric acid so that rots your teeth more then citric acid! Splenda is perfect for diabetics. Moat diabetics don't want all there carbs to be in there drink. Drink sweetened with Splenda is much better then other sweeteners. Splenda does not trick the body into thinking it's sugar. Your facts are incorrect. And my mother (who is a doctor) said that Splenda is safe and doesn't cause cancer.

Maybe they didn't have regular coke?

red61977 9

Did you tell him "Bring me a diet and I will ******* cut you?"

And that's when you get up and leave, while reporting him on your way out the door.

longbeck4 28

Diet pops are gross and have some weird fluid that they use in dead bodies. I would have called him and asshole and demanded the manager.

I have learned so much from this FML