By be_nj - 29/05/2009 03:51 - United States

Today, at work as a cashier, I had a male customer come up to me and ask me what hours I worked today, like he has done for several weeks now. Immediately after, my manager calls my lane to tell me to watch out for that guy. He has been stalking a co-worker of mine. Apparently, I'm next. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 545
You deserved it 4 181

Same thing different taste

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ewww!! a customer at my old work found me on myspace once, and i never wore a nametag so he didn't even know my name, god knows how he found me!! people can be soo creepy. fyl


People ask me all the time, especially when its a nice day. Like today, an older lady asked me how late I worked. Most people I don't pay mind to. But, I know some of the guys that come into the store that are in fact creepy...They asked what the cashier's name was and he wrote it on his wallet. He asked if she had a boyfriend, she told him yes, and he said "oh that's ok. Your boyfriend doesn't have to know about what we do together". I know the guy, and he creeps me out so bad! I've had a friend stalked at work...I guess, safest bet, have someone walk you out to your car after work, just in case you feel uncomfortable.

laurisshnazzy 0

Thuryn, there's a difference between "getting to know the employees" by making small talk and such, which is fine and legitimate, and continually asking for one's schedule to a point of his or her discomfort for an extended period of time. That is not being friendly. I don't know how many more times I'm really going to have to explain this to you. Also, I fail to see how 73 was "attacking" you, or being rude. I thought she was speaking civilly, the way that I am. Anyway, this entire FML comes down to one thing: he was asking personal questions for weeks and weeks, which made her uncomfortable. Like 73 said, the OP (or any woman) is not obligated to consider every man that expresses an interest in her, and it seems like the customer is completely disrespecting her by continuously bothering her on the issue. He is not striking up a basic conversation like your father, he is asking the same question over and over and over. The OP has a right to be fearful because of the extent of this man's persistence to know personal information about her. For the record, the OP never mentioned the age of the customer. Some other posts did, yes, but if you were addressing the OP in that comment you made about creeps only being older, then that's invalid, because she never specified. Anyway, I'm tired of arguing; clearly, you are missing my point entirely.

i smell a restraining order and an episode of judge judy coming up.

thuryn 2

#77: I wasn't talking about people being rude TO ME. I was talking about people being rude TO CUSTOMERS. Way to misread what I wrote. Asking about someone's hours is just a way of making conversation. The fact that it happens over and over just means the guy has little imagination. And once again, making someone "uncomfortable" is not illegal. Otherwise, the 1st Amendment would be meaningless. "Disrespect" is not a verb. Only people who have drunk the PC Kool-Aid say "disrespecting." I just re-read the OP to check. There is nothing in there about whether or not the OP doesn't like it or has expressed any of her *own* concern about it. She only mentioned that *other people* did. Perhaps the FML is that she *liked him* only to find out he's really creepy? FMLs are notorious for not providing enough context. YOU say that it's some horrible situation. I say that it isn't. The facts are that we DON'T KNOW, and I'm not willing to advise criminal prosecution without additional information. INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!

thuryn 2

In fact, I'll go further, having re-read the OP again. The guy asked WHAT HOURS SHE WORKED TODAY. He didn't ask her for her schedule. He didn't ask for information about where she was going to be and when. HE BASICALLY ASKED HER HOW TIRED SHE WAS. Everyone has worked a job where you end up working open to close or 8am to 10pm. It's NORMAL CONVERSATION to ask someone how her day went. Just because you don't like the angle doesn't mean it's criminal behavior. Several of you have come up with examples of creepy things OTHER customers have done. THIS ISN'T ONE OF THEM! GET IT THROUGH YOUR SKULLS! By complete contrast, the stuff #76 wrote about is EXTREMELY creepy and sinister, especially asking someone *else* about a cashier's schedule. THAT guy ought to be reported to management. What he did isn't *illegal*, but certainly ought to result in the loss of his shopping privileges.

go_wings 0

Thuryn--I was in no way attacking you, I said that I think you are protesting too much if you in fact do not engage in this behavior. Of course I like I liked it when young (read: high-school aged), good-looking guys were nice to me. I was in HIGH-SCHOOL, and UNDERAGE. It is VERY disconcerting when men over twice your age start asking obviously inappropriate questions. As a father of two daughters, I would think that you wouldn't want your own daughters to be hit on like that, and I would also think that you'd want your daughters to be safe rather than sorry. Also, I'd like to add that at least in my experience, I've noticed that guys often take advantage of women in a work situation, as they KNOW she has to be polite to them because of their job. I'd much rather the OP offend some guy, even if he is harmless (he'll live, people, I'm sure of it) then get into a potentially dangerous situation.

thuryn 2

go_wings: Don't give me that "you are protesting too much" crap. Now you're just making stuff up. I think you OBJECT too much out of a sense of self-loathing because, in fact, you are the creepy guy who hits on girls at the supermarket and you don't want the competition. In my daughters' case, being "safe" means asking questions, not being caught alone, and not depending upon other people to solve their problems for them. And, as I have already pointed out, there is nothing inappropriate about what the customer asked the OP. Unless you can prove otherwise, you're overreacting.

thuryn, go take some prozac and lie down. this is just hilarious that you care so much! btw thuryn, you say the fml doesn't provide enough context.. who knows what the manager meant when he said the guy was 'stalking' another cashier? maybe he managed to find her online or get her number or find her house.. you never know, maybe the OP is concerned that that will happen? and don't say it's not possible.. i never used to wear a nametag at work and a guy who i served several times over the space of a year managed to track down my PRIVATE Myspace profile without knowing anything apart from where I worked, pretty much went on about being in love with me. he was 8 yrs older than me, i was 18 he was 26. after reading the (numerous) messages he sent me, i realised that he had created an image in his mind of what he thought my personality would be like and whether i would be interested in certain things, which meant he spent WAY too much time thinking about me whenever he came into the store, he would always make sure i served him, even if someone else offered to serve him first. sure, he never really stalked me or tried to do anything to me, but he did not respect my privacy whatsoever, even after i told him i found it weird that he found my profile he kept msging me saying 'please don't be creeped out..what are you doing this weekend' etc etc when someone gets that obsessed with someone they've never said more than 'hi how are you how's your day?' to, it's a bit odd and creepy. clearly, if the manager has to warn her about the guy, he's being more than just friendly, especially if he's been proven to show creepy behaviour towards another cashier. OP- as someone who has experienced this before, just be careful! if you notice that he will always go to extreme efforts to get served by you and will avoid other cashiers, let your manager know and i'm sure you can sort something out =]

thuryn 2

#83: I care because I'm tired of living in a country where everybody is afraid of everybody else. I'm also tired of living in a country full of idiots, though I doubt that will ever change, so whatever. There is no such thing as a PRIVATE Myspace anything. The second you put it on Myspace, it's their property. The second you put anything anywhere on the Internet, it's open to the public. Finding your Myspace profile isn't even the slightest bit difficult or even creepy. YOU put it up there. Expect people to find it. But more to the point, the other guy in the OP hasn't even done that. All he has done is ask an innocent question. And that's all. Only YOUR fears and YOUR suspicions make it creepy.

umm thuryn, by private i mean i set it so noone could see my profile except my friends. and the fact that he managed to find me without knowing my name was what i found creepy. and the fact that he wouldn't leave me alone when i asked him to. and how much older he was and the amount of time he spent obsessing over me oh and btw in case you're presuming, i don't like in america. although i do agree that most american's are douchebags i wouldn't want to live there either. oh ps i'm not an idiot i go to the top uni in my country. anyway this argument is going nowhere because you're so totally sure that you're right and you won't consider anyone else's opinion so i'm going to go and have a life and get off the internet peace out