By aprilmay91 - 11/03/2012 12:38 - United States

Today, at work at a gas station kiosk, a man requested a carton of cigarettes. We keep our cigarettes on a high shelf. I'm short and very large chested so I have to jump in order to reach the carton. He said, "I only come here for the entertainment" and left without purchasing his cigarettes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 946
You deserved it 4 016

aprilmay91 tells us more.

We have a step stool but it broken and the last time I used it i fell and twisted my ankle and bruised my arm.


ThecomingofTan 9

Tell him the next time he comes in that he should go watch **** if he wants a show.

RaysEvoX 0

Where do you work at? I want to watch too.

zebralover23 14
kurololita 6

Smile, you may have just brightened up someone elses day. Even if he was a creeper, just think "karma".

xStaciexLynnx 15

Don't ever become a waitress. Seriously. It gets worse...

If you prefer to give a show to every patron that wants cigarettes like a ***** instead of using a ladder or chair to get them, YDI

Shadow_Phantom 26

I for one wouldn't mind; I'd probably laugh it off, but I can definitely see how this would be a stressful situation for you OP. FYL.