By aprilmay91 - 11/03/2012 12:38 - United States

Today, at work at a gas station kiosk, a man requested a carton of cigarettes. We keep our cigarettes on a high shelf. I'm short and very large chested so I have to jump in order to reach the carton. He said, "I only come here for the entertainment" and left without purchasing his cigarettes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 946
You deserved it 4 016

aprilmay91 tells us more.

We have a step stool but it broken and the last time I used it i fell and twisted my ankle and bruised my arm.


pinkpixie06 11

Time to get a step stool for on the job.

loginword123 0

So that means he came in before?

Yea he's been there several times and is old enough to be mygrandmother

You may not sell that many cigarettes but you're provocative! It gets the people going!

They have breast reduction surgeries, where you could even donate the extra love to someone "A cup" too small. *wink, wink*

Friendzonian 0

Some of the commenters are pigs. Tell your (I hope female?) boss about it, and next time you see the guy, refuse service. Sexual harassment is not cool. :/

It's not sexual harassment if it only happens once.

forthelove82 7

It obviously didn't happen only once. Sounds like he's been there before.

You're a moron, #35. Just because it may have only happened once doesn't mean it's not sexual harassment. If he grabbed her breasts but only did it once that doesn't mean it's not molestation. I suggest you invest in a dictionary.

34- you use that exuse a lot, don't you..?

Do you mean the dictionary that says: ha·rass verb /həˈras/  /ˈharəs/  harassed, past participle; harassed, past tense; harasses, 3rd person singular present; harassing, present participle 1) Subject to aggressive pressure or intimidation 2) Make repeated small-scale attacks on (an enemy) Since asking to her to get something for him because he has to jump, isn't intimidation, nor aggressive pressure, i can only assume it means the second definition. Keyword is repeated.

he sexually HARASSED her once that we know of so it's still sexual harassment, he is a creep just like you

Am I really a creep for slight trolling? How interesting, panda lover 69? At least I'm not a hypocrite.

Oo what gas station? Looks like I'm buying some cigarettes. Haha seriously that sucks but ask your boss to lower the shelf for you

But look on the bright side you have big boobs and you entertain people.... Time to start charging per show

KiddNYC1O 20

Imagine you working at a pet store and customers asking you for a fish at the bottom of the aquarium...

KiddNYC1O 20

Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo reference for those thumbing me down.