By wtffireworks! - 26/05/2011 02:10 - United States

Today, at work, there was a police officer waiting for me. Bewildered, I asked what the problem was. Someone had shot fireworks at cars in the parking lot and I was a suspect. Why? Ponytails on men apparently look suspicious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 215
You deserved it 18 525

Same thing different taste


Taurusbaybe 8

Stereotypes suck, but fire works are fun :).

Ponytails are for gay **** actors and Chuck Norris and you're not Chuck Norris.

hannahfmlt2 0

shut up my dad has a pony tail u jack ass

cwmbear 0
Mean_Mr_Mustard 9

pretty sure that is discrimination.

ILoveTabz 0

haha they kinda do though :P

mattxhavoc 2

I don't really see how this is an FML. If you didn't do it, big deal.

Well you were missing half of your ponytail, and it had burn marks. Either you did it, or you are into some freaky sex stuff.