By prego - 24/08/2010 16:01 - Canada

Today, because I am pregnant with a weak bladder, I woke up with morning sickness and had to decide very quickly whether I wanted to vomit or pee in the toilet. I now have to clean the chunks off the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 536
You deserved it 5 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments


it's called a damn trash can. damn. throwing away a contained bag of way better than trying to wipe it off the walls.

grab a bag pee and barf at the same time still sux tho

you should of jumped in the tub and done both!!!

Pregnant chicks scare me. Almost as much as babies.

MiGman 5

hey op pee in the toilet and puke into the bathtub. no mess to Clem off the floor

It's a choice between changing pants, or cleaning chunks off the wall.

tinybear93 0

it's gonna suck when you're really pregnant and the baby is really pushing on your bladder

You should have just went into the shower..then yes there's a mess but its a lot easier to clean up..lucky for me I never got morning sickness, already half way through my pregnancy and still have control over my bladder, I just have to go a lot more often..but why would you choose vomit over pee?..