By almost broke - 21/02/2016 13:24 - Czech Republic - Brno

Today, because my fiancé is criminally incompetent at budgeting, I'm now having to pay the first installment for my own wedding ring. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 576
You deserved it 4 470

Same thing different taste

Top comments

expertsmilee 26

I understand how love is a complicated thing, but something in your brain has GOT to be saying this is a bad start and is probably a sign of how things are going to be going forward.


PinkGlitterBunny 8

My best friend's husband made her pick out her pick out her own ring after fessing up a week before the wedding that he hadn't actually done it as promised THEN didn't buy it until 2 hours before the wedding. Which she paid for completely. He also threatened to call off the wedding because he and HIS groomsmen hadn't even gone tux shopping until the day before the wedding.Soooooo....

For Valentine's Day I made a list of 50 reasons by I love my fiancé; the fact that he's really good with budgeting money was on that list. There are way more important things then your ring that he can screw up. Have fun with all the fiancés, forever.

I need more information before I can really decide on this one. Did he pick out an expensive ring that he planned to pay for and then later realized he couldn't? If so, that is certainly cause for concern, but not necessarily something you can't work through together. If you picked out an expensive ring that he couldn't afford, than that's a different story.

Listen to Dave Ramsey. Also don't buy a wedding ring there a huge rip off and are useless. Just go by a cheap wedding ring that you like. You don't need diamonds.

PinkGlitterBunny 8

CZs are just as pretty, or crystals like Swarovski makes rings with.


I would want to know more before I choose because if he just failed to plan in this one scenario then you are being ridiculous. If this is a common occurrence then I ask why you would trust your money with this man? You will merge finances and build a life together and love is great but it certainly won't pay your mortgage. So if this case is a common one then you are a ridiculous person for staying.

A guy not being able to take care of his own finances has ALWAYS been a deal breaker for me.

I technically paid for half of my wedding ring since we made our finances were joint around the time we bought it. Nothing wrong with wanting to pull your own weight but in this case it sounds like you're needing to pull his weight, too. And if he is totally inept with money to the point that he can't budget for a bill that he knew was coming then you guys should have a serious conversation about that. Find a solution and deal with the problem before you marry him, because money troubles are one of the big reasons why marriage do not work.