By almost broke - 21/02/2016 13:24 - Czech Republic - Brno

Today, because my fiancé is criminally incompetent at budgeting, I'm now having to pay the first installment for my own wedding ring. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 576
You deserved it 4 470

Same thing different taste

Top comments

expertsmilee 26

I understand how love is a complicated thing, but something in your brain has GOT to be saying this is a bad start and is probably a sign of how things are going to be going forward.


Before you get married you need to discus your finances.

Redgy22 26

Obviously OP thinks having to pay the first installment is an issue or it wouldn't have been posted on here.

bobsanction 18

So.....? Maybe you should pay for your own wedding ring. Are you paying for his? Probably not. Ungrateful wench.

Money problems happen, but if you're referring to someone as "criminally incompetent", then WTF are you doing engaged to that person? You obviously don't respect him or his choices, and you're settling. You're just going to make both of your lives suck by being a resentful spouse.

Axel5238 29

Someone who can't plan for a future sends up a lot red flags. Get out of it while you can OP. I've dated a few girls who were just having fun and could never plan for the future. Not someone you want to spend your life with.

ask him to pay you back before the wedding...or just say no

Are you sure you are ready for those vows?? For better or worse til death do you part.

Why get an expensive wedding ring if you can't even afford it? If you're that broke, I bet there are million more useful you need. And by the way, surgical grade steel is more durable than white gold and the risk of irritation is lower, too. My ring is made of that and it cost like 40 bucks :)

I find the idea of having to.waste good money on some expensive ass ring to propose to someone is beyond stupid. why would I need to prove ur love with something that costs over a grand. that makes no sense at all. im glad my gf doesnt care for that shit cuz thered be no way id buy one. id rather get us matching tattoos or something like that. something much more meaningful than some expensive trinket