By Anonymous - 26/05/2011 17:54 - United States

Today, both of the roads leading to my small town were washed out by rising flood waters. I now live on an island in the middle of Wyoming. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 649
You deserved it 3 428

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude, that's badass. You can name your island whatever you want now!


csmouton 3

and thts a problem why?????

don't worry you will get home soon

mine2take 5

Why did people click the YDI button? It is not OP's fault that the roads flooded. Unless... OP is GOD!

AttucisFinch 0

Clearly this is your opportunity to become a pirate

my_names_nico 0

Where you at cause its clear up in Riverton

well, that's what happens when you live in wyoming.

EnterChoose 1

Now you've got a community pool.