By Anonymous - 04/04/2009 19:04 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/04/2009 19:04 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/04/2020 08:00
By Rachaael - 19/01/2023 02:00
By sandy - 17/03/2009 21:25 - United States
By Nikki - 18/03/2009 03:15 - United States
By cutiekenz21 - 31/07/2011 00:45 - United States
By kay_jay1819 - 19/11/2010 05:04 - United States
By Katrina - 13/02/2011 22:32 - United States
By killmenow - 21/02/2011 01:19 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/04/2016 19:46 - United States - Bronx
By Phoellie - 28/08/2009 11:43 - United Kingdom
88, i would kill the girl if she slept with my boyfriend, whether he was willing or not. i'd deal with him later. the girls still at fault, if she was willing to take part in something that would inevitably hurt someone innocent. yea, the guys still at fault, but she took part in the hurting of her.
I don't know why people get bad at the person their partner is cheating on them with rather than the partner. This strange girl the girlfriend found naked in bed with her boyfriend never made a committment to her. Unless it's a close friend or relative of yours they are cheating with, the complete and total blame lays on the significant other to stay loyal.
#97: "i would kill the girl if she slept with my boyfriend" And then you would go to jail. The cheater (in this case, your boyfriend) is much more at fault because he has a commitment to you, if you must deal with the situation you should deal with him first.
good times.. hope the sex was good ;) hope you were really good in bed as well, for his sake. since hes gunna be wackin off for a year. unless he comes back to you... who knows :) and i hope youre not hotter than the other girl.. cuz that would suck for him (cuz he'll be thinking of you when hes with her) and her because she knows what hes thinking about way to go... you created a FEL.... **** Everyone's Lives...
#77 there is no question the guy is at fault... and if i would be strong enough to kick him out nude, i would do that too, but i dont think an average girl could... aside from it... I have been with my bf for a while now, and i dont live with them... but there are some things that show that he got a gf... like a picture, or my hair tie on his night table... and an extra toothbrush its not that hard to see something in the house that does not belong to a guy if he is dating someone. Aside from it, if you sleep with a guy for a while, you should know at least a bit about him. Also, everyone creeeps out a person's facebook at least once, just to see who they are and stuff. there must have been pictures of him and his gf there... the only reason she cant be at fault there if that so-called girlfriend is the only one who calls herself that, and that guy does not consider her to be one. that means, clearly he would have pointed it out and stop it. he didnt...
Gave ya a FML and a YDI Either he wasn't upfront about being with someone - FYL or He did tell you and frankly didn't care - YDI
Have to agree with #1, though either way it sucks.