By Anonymous - 04/04/2009 19:04 - United States

Today, completely nude, I had to collect my clothes around the boy’s apartment I have been sleeping with for awhile. While his girlfriend watched to make sure I “got the fuck out.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 315
You deserved it 181 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gave ya a FML and a YDI Either he wasn't upfront about being with someone - FYL or He did tell you and frankly didn't care - YDI

Have to agree with #1, though either way it sucks.


Ibeapirate 0

Not your fault that he's a cheating liar. Unless you knew he had a girlfriend and slept with him anyway.

yeah I agree with number one! She never stated if he was honest and upfront about having a girlfriend. She mighta just got played. But of course, she coulda just been a ***** and went along with it anyway. For which I gave her an FML and a YDI

eeee93757 0

Today, I caught my boyfriend sleeping with another woman, who had a gap tooth, smaller breasts than I, and absolutely no ass. I had to watch her roam around my apartment looking for her clothes before kicking her out. FML

dude, **** you for being with a guy with a girlfriend. thats the most pathetic thing you can do. go get a guy that isnt taken.

... #35, what? are you seriously sticking up for a guy being a cheating douche? if he can't handle monogamy (this takes a lot of brains, i know) DON'T BE IN A RELATIONSHIP!

may_cause_fail 0
wowfmlife 0