By Anonymous - 04/04/2009 19:04 - United States

Today, completely nude, I had to collect my clothes around the boy’s apartment I have been sleeping with for awhile. While his girlfriend watched to make sure I “got the fuck out.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 315
You deserved it 181 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gave ya a FML and a YDI Either he wasn't upfront about being with someone - FYL or He did tell you and frankly didn't care - YDI

Have to agree with #1, though either way it sucks.


if you knew he had a GF then you are a downright ****. **** bitches like you,

TryToBeKind 0

I can't tell if you deserved that or not, it depends on whether or not you KNEW he had a girlfriend. He could have easily lied and said she was a female roommate, a relative, or he could have said he enjoyed wearing women's clothing. OR, maybe she didn't live with him at all.

i hope you DIDN'T know he already had a girlfried, cause i'd like to show you some sympathy. if you knew - ****.

Yeah im torn, if you knew than thats shady but if you didn't then the guys a jerk...

glockjaw 0

I think she knew because her and the guy have been sleeping together for a while as it says. So that means you're a ****. Stop being a bitch and trying to ruin people's relationship. If you didn't know, then you're as retarded as you would be slutty because you've been sleeping with him for a while and didn't know he had a girlfriend. Its not hard to figure that shit out when we have myspace, facebook, and not to mention i'm sure she had some shit of hers in his apartment.

xTheBasicFlawx 0

Wow. that's awful. If you didn't know...well, be more careful in the future. if you knew he had a are LOW. that's not cool. i have absolutely NO sympathy for the "other woman," having been cheated on several times myself. I feel bad for that girl. I'd do more than tell you to get the **** out, in her place.

If I were the girlfriend, I would've thrown you out WITHOUT your clothes. Be thankful.

#62! totally agree. I would do the same thing... Id make sure half of her hair is gone too...