By Anonymous - 06/01/2015 18:54 - United Kingdom

Today, desperate for work, I went into a shop and asked the owner if he had any spare jobs to fill. He looked me up and down and sneered "Yes, but not for people like... you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 780
You deserved it 3 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cadillacgal79 32

Some people are just shallow, don't worry OP, you'll find a job soon enough.

Some people are too quick to judge by appearance. Sorry OP!


Id like to know op, what place was this?

xxreikoxx 31

Obviously, it's not a place where respect is a priority.

This is either racial/gender discrimination or a life lesson in how to present yourself, OP. Like it or not tattoos and piercings, raggedy clothing, and graphic t-shirts turn people off. If that's how you walked in then YDI, if not then FYL.

you didn't need that job nor a boss like that, OP

I guess that guy has never heard the saying, don't judge a book by it's cover.

We don't know the reason for the store owner saying what he said, only that it was very rude, and possibly discriminatory. I will say this though; when you are job hunting you are essentially a salesperson, and the product you are selling is yourself. If you have a shabby looking product it is going to be hard to sell, but if you have a well dressed, well groomed, and nice smelling product, then you will have an easier time making that sale. The truth is that how you present yourself to future employers matter a lot, if you look like you don't care about yourself, then why would they think that you will care about the job you are applying for?

Wait what are you? Are you even human? Haha but with all jokes aside, this FML really needs a follow up.

were you dressed in casual clothes or were you dressed nicely? One boss I had told me that he wouldn't give interviews to people who were dressed shabby when they applied because if they were serious about getting a job they would dress for an interview, even when applying.

TomeDr 24

You wouldn't want to work for a jerk like that anyway.