By Anonymous - 06/01/2015 18:54 - United Kingdom

Today, desperate for work, I went into a shop and asked the owner if he had any spare jobs to fill. He looked me up and down and sneered "Yes, but not for people like... you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 780
You deserved it 3 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cadillacgal79 32

Some people are just shallow, don't worry OP, you'll find a job soon enough.

Some people are too quick to judge by appearance. Sorry OP!


I know what you're going through. Just don't give up and you'll find a great job soon. Good luck.

better luck next time OP... I am sire you will get a job some place..just keep trying...

Considering there was no description on why OP was rejected, can't say it is or isn't illegal.

I'm pretty sure that's illegal and considered profileing.

ChristianH39 30

"not for people like you" is too vague to conclusively prove that. OP could've walked in looking disheveled or with piercings/tattoos (not saying he wouldn't deserve a job solely because of that, but it is a possibility.)

Sue for discrimination! If you win, you might not need a job for a while! ;D

xxreikoxx 31

"...people" What the heck is THAT supposed to mean? If that's how they talk to certain people, then you're better off looking for a job elsewhere OP. Desperate or not, you at least deserve some respect.

And the sign said, "Long-haired freaky people need not apply."

That is why i tucked my hair up under my hat and went in to ask why ?

And now you send his ass to the BBB. (Better Business Bureau) Thats no way to treat someone.

xxreikoxx 31

You may want to reconsider that, considering OP is in the United Kingdom. I'm pretty sure there's no Better Business Bureau there.

What kinda ppl hardworking ppl who go and try to get jobs instead of begging

why is this getting negative votes? It's true, this person wants to go find a job and work for his money rather than beg on the streets for money. I'd say that's a good thing (ps: nothing against homeless people. I happily volunteer with salvos)

xxreikoxx 31

#50, it's because the grammar and spelling suck so horribly that we either can't understand them, or we're hoping they'll get a dictionary for their birthday and use it.