By Anonymous - 06/01/2015 18:54 - United Kingdom

Today, desperate for work, I went into a shop and asked the owner if he had any spare jobs to fill. He looked me up and down and sneered "Yes, but not for people like... you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 780
You deserved it 3 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cadillacgal79 32

Some people are just shallow, don't worry OP, you'll find a job soon enough.

Some people are too quick to judge by appearance. Sorry OP!


Life lesson: people are dicks. Sorry, OP.

SingleMom_of_2 5

Were you wearing something offensive, did you go in without bathing or did you have a poor attitude? If you didn't do any of the above then you are lucky he told you that because he sounds like an ass. Keep your head OP you will find a job that appreciates you. Good luck.

? are you a sex offender or something?

cowleybh 10

Are you black? Or obviously gay?

sylverdrag_fml 9

Suck to hear, but you should have a look at yourself and figure out if he's right. Is there something you should change to make yourself more employable? Are you clean? Are your clothes clean? What's your image like? Does your appearance make others want to interact with you or does your appearance say "f*ck off"? For a lot of jobs, your appearance has a direct impact on your job performance so it could be a legitimate reaction. There are things that are hard to change (extremely overweight, birth defects, scars, etc.) but in most cases, you can fix your appearance with a shower, an haircut, clean clothes and a smile.

let me guess... Facial piercings? Overly tattooed? Gauges in your ears? Flat brimmer? Boxers half showing? No one has the right to judge, right? Old saying....the nail that sticks out gets hammered....

What's a flat brimmer? *curious* And while I agree that even if you're just going in to ask for an application and not just an interview that you should be tidily dressed and clean, I (personally) don't see anything wrong with piercings and tattoos, etc, as long as said tattoos aren't obscene/racist/whathaveyou. I'm a hospital worker and I have a tattoo (as well as three piercings in each ear) and so do a LOT of my co-workers, and honestly not a single patient has ever commented on either factor, because I'm pleasant and helpful and friendly.

Or, y'know, owner is racist and OP is black.

Flat brimmer being a person that wears a flat brim baseball cap...often with the bill to the side or back. Stereotypically a trouble maker. Point being....if you are applying for a job, dress like you actually want a job.

MartiOan 8

What´s "wrong" with you though, OP?