By Anonymous - 06/01/2015 18:54 - United Kingdom

Today, desperate for work, I went into a shop and asked the owner if he had any spare jobs to fill. He looked me up and down and sneered "Yes, but not for people like... you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 780
You deserved it 3 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cadillacgal79 32

Some people are just shallow, don't worry OP, you'll find a job soon enough.

Some people are too quick to judge by appearance. Sorry OP!


Don't lie. You wandered into a Hooters, didn't you?

Sometimes life has its ups and downs. And sometimes people are just dicks. I have faith you'll find a job soon! Good Luck OP!

nettrol 19

What the **** does he mean by "People like you"?

justanotherfmll 4

Obviously you were to good looking to be hired

I'm pretty sure you could report that to someone and get hiim in trouble.

Was it Hollister? They hire people mainly based off of looks.

Sorry Op, that's awful! I'm so sick of discrimination based on surface appearances!

renasaurus 17

most shops in diagon alley don't hire muggles.