By Anonymous - 07/11/2012 15:44 - United States

Today, despite my pleading, my boyfriend mounted a set of bullhorns above our headboard. Guess what came crashing down on our heads at 2am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 552
You deserved it 2 532

Same thing different taste


DoxIxHAVExTo 10

FYL, OP. But at least now he might've learned his lesson. Sometimes you gotta let the kids touch the boiling water so they know not to touch it again. Okay, don't actually let your kids burns themselves because that's a dick move for a *parent* to do but you get what I'm saying...

samicna 4

He was trying to kill you! Leave him

Anyone else thinking of that quest in Oblivion?

I can just imagine that sounding like honky-nose clown sex to your neighbours :L Edit: oh damn it's about bullhorns not actual horns, ignore my comment! I'm sorry I ****** that right up haha

doglover100 28

Why would you need bullhorns?

Shadowvoid 33

Was it spiderman that fell on you by any chance?

gregkingsley 4

You clearly take the bull by the horns