By amythest - 13/02/2012 00:18 - United Kingdom

Today, even though she can barely deal with raising kids, my 19-year-old sister announced her fourth pregnancy, by a fourth man, of yet another race. Why? Because she wants to "be like Angelina Jolie." I fear that social services may laugh at me if I tell them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 871
You deserved it 3 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LaColombianita 26

That's just sad. She shouldn't be bringing babies into the world if she can't even support them. Angelina Jolie has the money to do that.

DontClickOnMe 28

Wow, 19 years old and four kids.. That's too many kids for that age.


CountMonteCristo 3

Nice to know people are just as stupid everywhere. All this time I thought it was unique to the southern US

Tdevonner 0

Im curious ad to what 4 races? Lol

Your sisters the reason there should be a law on who can have children. Hard working people's tax dollars fund her stupidity.

GaurdGirl 5

People are stupid, we have a girl in my grade pregnant with her 2nd kid. OP I feel you, but I feel you should call.

such a lame excuse for irresponsible parenting. just lame.

So...Asian, black, white, Mexican? Quite the diverse neighborhood you got there, op.

#@%@!!! >_< you beat me on the comment!!

"of yet another racial background" ?!??! really? racist! what does it matter what racial background they are? there are plenty of well of people of all racial backgrounds, and plenty of poor white people. next time, say something like, with another (poor/mean/uncaring/unknown) guy.

Someone needs to get her sewn up or spade!!! Therapist needed!! Isle three!!

Something tells me she's using the old "poke a hole in the condom" trick. Unless these guys are equally as crazy...