By amythest - 13/02/2012 00:18 - United Kingdom

Today, even though she can barely deal with raising kids, my 19-year-old sister announced her fourth pregnancy, by a fourth man, of yet another race. Why? Because she wants to "be like Angelina Jolie." I fear that social services may laugh at me if I tell them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 871
You deserved it 3 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LaColombianita 26

That's just sad. She shouldn't be bringing babies into the world if she can't even support them. Angelina Jolie has the money to do that.

DontClickOnMe 28

Wow, 19 years old and four kids.. That's too many kids for that age.


Track1991 0

Poor family and a dumb mother.

So one black, one white, one Asian and one Mexican??

Another kid of yet 'another race'? What does race have to do with it? Like it would magically be better if they were all the same race?

the term cum dumpster comes to mind. the race was pointed to the Angelina Jolie comment.

ckkranjack 0
rachelg6188 0

Don't u dare call dss in your own sister. If u are that worried try helping her out or talking to her. That's ur fam . U just don't do that shit to family

Wow. Just wow. You are clearly not someone who has any consideration for the children in these situations. Her/his sister's children are also family. Calling CPS/DSS (whatever it's called in the UK) is the best and brightest thing OP could do. Those children clearly need outside help because their mother is more interested in creating a rainbow-collage of babies than taking care of the ones she's already borne.

258, you're entitled to your own opinion, what you AREN'T entitled to do is tell others not to "dare" calling the proper authorities because "they're family"...blood may be thicker than water, but sometimes stupidity is thicker than mud..& apparently you seem to like wading in the mud of stupidity if you think the sister's MORE important than those poor children's (also family) FUTURE! Boo on you!

Punkpoptart1119 20

Thats a baby raising babies. Your sister is a *****. Nobody should be on their 4th kid at age 19. Does.she know that birth control is free?

moomoomeow2 7

Not to be rude, but please tell your sister that she either needs help, or to stop.

loveispain19 4

sounds like my ex's new wife, who i don't think is older then 24 but has popped out 5 babies now and is milking the system dry. it is disgusting and sad because it's the kids who are the innocent victims in those situations. getting your sister help by any means possible is my advice.

Why would social services care? Unfortunately, having babies you can't support isn't criminal. Unless she is abusing the children or neglecting them... In which case you call about that, not the multiple races of babies.