By amythest - 13/02/2012 00:18 - United Kingdom

Today, even though she can barely deal with raising kids, my 19-year-old sister announced her fourth pregnancy, by a fourth man, of yet another race. Why? Because she wants to "be like Angelina Jolie." I fear that social services may laugh at me if I tell them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 883
You deserved it 3 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LaColombianita 26

That's just sad. She shouldn't be bringing babies into the world if she can't even support them. Angelina Jolie has the money to do that.

DontClickOnMe 28

Wow, 19 years old and four kids.. That's too many kids for that age.


that's a great reason to bring children into this world, I'm sure her parenting skills are top notch.

I see she's not the brigtest crayon in thr variety pack.

It's great if she wants to have kids and sleep around, but she needs to wait until she's financially able to support them all, without the help of her parents. That's maturity.

Tell her she can have a new career - hooker! She obviously loves sex lol. Or use that womb for good and rent it out for people who can't have kids... ;)

perdix 29

Why the **** would social services give a shit about what some stupid ****'s brother or sister has to say?

marisadc79 0

Wow, I agree the girl isn't smart and is making bad decisions but **** is a pretty harsh term. No man would ever call a woman that, not a true one anyway. If the kids aren't being cared for I think they'd care very much.

perdix 29

Did you read the story? I don't use the term loosely, so if there was ever a time to use it, this would have to be it.

Nah, didn't you know? ***** don't exist. That shit's made up, pure fiction.

marisadc79 0

Those poor kids and sounds to me like your sister needs so serious therapy and medication. If she isn't properly caring for her children I hope you call child services. Four kids at 19, wow, that's sad and for the silliest reason imaginable. Might tell her she's no Angelina.

thiscrazything 1

no #91, but it can numb it. :3 anyway, this just absolutely bonkers. my mom grew up in this kind of situation. my grandmother had he first kid when she was 14, and had 5 more over the course of her teenager/early adult years. that was just too many kids for her or my grandpa to adequately take care of, but they did it anyway, and they ended up living in very poor conditions. come on, people. if you can't afford to take care of your children, then dont have sex or use protection, if you care about their well-being at all...