By amythest - 13/02/2012 00:18 - United Kingdom

Today, even though she can barely deal with raising kids, my 19-year-old sister announced her fourth pregnancy, by a fourth man, of yet another race. Why? Because she wants to "be like Angelina Jolie." I fear that social services may laugh at me if I tell them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 871
You deserved it 3 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LaColombianita 26

That's just sad. She shouldn't be bringing babies into the world if she can't even support them. Angelina Jolie has the money to do that.

DontClickOnMe 28

Wow, 19 years old and four kids.. That's too many kids for that age.


Awww :( That's sad for those babies. I hope she turns out to be a good mom eventually

RedPillSucks 31

Sounds like she's into "Tasting the rainbow"

That was for 53 i think :) and if u Google world record for child birth or children. It comes up with 69

Sry thought it was under the first comment

HairyPunisher 27

Yeah I've had friends that have had children at 18, 20, or 21 but to have a FOURTH child by then is just completely irresponsible and honestly sad. FYL OP and YDI to your sister.

AlaskaKid95 7

Moderated for saying the FML is fake. -.-

madz5758 10

Why does it matter that they are of different racial backgrounds?

maronofhearts 19

Because she wants to be like Angelina. Or do you not understand Angelina has babies of different race so the sister is purposely doing it too

Your sisters a ****. But YDI for bringing race into it. The races of the baby daddies are irrelevant and indicative of your racism.

The reason that information is relevant here is because the sister is intentionally choosing men of different ethnicities "to be like Angelina Jolie." The ethnicities are part of the sister's goal.